We offer Clinical Psychologist-led Adult ADHD Discoveries (assessments) by collaboratively working with you from start to finish.

Clinical Psychologist-led Adult ADHD Discoveries (assessments)

Whilst ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’ (ADHD) is the term that is still used widely and we use it too -  we do not see ADHD as a disorder. Having an ADHD neuro-type means that you experience aspects of your inner and outer world differently, compared to ‘Neurotypical’ people. We see ADHD as a vital and valid way of being in the world!

We draw from best-practice clinical guidelines that incorporate a Neuro-affirmative informed approach to assessment, where we place you at the heart of the process. 

Whilst we continue to use the term ‘assessment’, we prefer the neuro-affirmative terms ‘ADHD Discovery’ as this more faithfully describes what we do:

We support you to discover if your way of being is aligned with the ADHD neuro-type.

The ADHD Discovery Process (assessment) has four parts:

  1. An online intake form for you to complete that asks questions that are consistent with the DSM V criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) for ADHD, as well as some screening measures. You can complete it in your own time. We will also send supplementary intake forms for your family or friends to fill in. 

  2. Two collaborative and relaxed sessions where you will meet the same clinical psychologist to go through the information you have already provided in your online forms. Your psychologist will ask you to expand on the information. You may be asked to bring along a family member/friend to provide additional information if agreed with your psychologist. You work collaboratively with your psychologist in an open and transparent process. 

  3. An outcome session where you explore the outcome of whether your way of being is aligned with the ADHD neuro-type and you meet the DSM V criteria.

  4. If you learn that you are ADHD you will be provided with neuro-diversity affirmative supporting documentation confirming that you are ADHD which is consistent with best-practice clinical guidelines for ADHD confirmation (diagnosis). 

All sessions  are offered online or in person in our Sligo Clinic.

Cost: €1, 500

Step by Step Guide to the ADHD Discovery Process (assessment)

Whilst there are 3 main stages to the process, it can be really helpful for you to know about all the steps from start to finish:

Step 1:

Book online – go to Book an Assessment and fill in the contact form. You will be asked to sign a GDPR form so that we can legally hold your information.

Step 2:

We will contact you via email and you will be invited to fill out online consent and screening forms and an ‘intake form’ with questions that are drawn from the DSM V criteria, which are the clinical diagnostic criteria we follow.  There are also supplementary forms for your family/people who know you well to fill out - these form an important part of the ADHD discovery process.  Your name goes on a waiting list.

Step 3:

When your name is near the top of the waiting list, we will email you with dates for the Explore Together Consultation that suit you and you will be asked to pay a €375 deposit to secure the discovery.

Step 4: The ADHD Discovery Process (assessment)

There are 3 appointments in all: 

Discovery Session 1: You will meet with a clinical psychologist (online or in person) and together you will go through the information you have provided, as well as the childhood form and information provided by someone who knows you well now in your adult life.

Duration: 60 mins approx.

Discovery Session 2: You meet with the same clinical psychologist either in person or online and go through in detail the many different ways of being that make up the criteria for ADHD (‘Predominantly Inattentive’ Type, ‘Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive’ Type or ‘Combined’ Type). This interview is based on the Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA) using neuro-affirmative language. You will also explore your childhood experiences and how your experiences then and now affect your everyday functioning in all aspects of your life. On occasion, it can be helpful to bring along a family member to this session. 

Typically, towards the end of this session or the start of the next session your psychologist will share with you the provisional findings from the process and whether you are meeting the criteria for ADHD, including which type (if this is indicated). 
Duration: 90 mins approx.

You and your psychologist take a short break during this Discovery session to move around, refresh and refill 🙂

Outcome Session: Your psychologist checks in with you and  together you review how the process has gone so far and talk about how you are feeling regarding ADHD Confirmation (diagnosis) if this is the case for you. You will explore supports and resources available for your whether you are ADHD or not, and your psychologist will go through the supporting documentation that we provide to confirm your ADHD Confirmation.
Duration: 60 -75 mins approx

The Supporting Documentation contains reporting of how you fulfil the DSM V criteria for ADHD (with evidence from childhood, and in your adult life, as well as how it affects your functioning and screening information). This is consistent with best practice clinical guidelines as per the ADHD in Adults NCP Model of Care (HSE Guidelines).

ADHD Discovery Process Payment

We recognise that it is a big financial undertaking to pay for a private ADHD assessment. The cost is based on the amount of clinical time it takes to carry out a thorough assessment that captures the richness of your experiences, as well as the provision of neuro-affirmative supporting documentation. 

We spread the payment for the assessment over 4 time points that are paid via our secure online system:

  • €375 deposit to secure the ADHD Discovery

  • €375 due on the day of your first Discovery session

  • €375 due on the day of your second Discovery session

  • €375 due on the day of your Outcome session

Please let us know if you would like the cost spread out over more instalments and we will be happy to work with you on an arrangement.

Post-ADHD Discovery Support 

Thinking about medication as an option?

Our team does not currently have a medical specialist who can prescribe medication. 

We offer an alternative route to a separate private psychiatry team that will accept our ADHD Discovery confirmation documents. If you are confirmed ADHD by our practice team and you would like to explore medication, we will then share the contact details of the psychiatry practice, and you will be able to discuss medication options further with them.

Thinking about ADHD Coaching and lifestyle support?

We partner with an ADHD coach, who is a late-discovered ADHDer, who can provide support to you in various ways following your confirmation of ADHD. This separate private service is based in Sligo and online. 

Important Notes:

  • Due to high demand for our services, a cancellation fee for individual sessions will be applied if less than 48 hours notice is given. If you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment or fail to attend without notifying the psychologist, a fee of €100 will be charged.

  • Preparing additional documentation, outside our standard suite, will attract an additional fee (fee details available as and when such documents are requested)

  • If you are applying for Disability Allowance and require a supporting letter (in the case that you are Autistic also), there is an additional fee of €150. Preparing a rich and detailed letter requires additional time and administration to gather and present relevant information in support of your application.