We offer Adult Autistic Discoveries (assessments) that respect your unique insights, experiences and wisdom by working collaboratively with you.

Clinical Psychologist-led Adult Autistic Discoveries (assessments)

Being neuro-affirmative means that we see Autism not as a disorder or a deficit but as a valid and vital way of being. We draw from best-practice clinical guidelines that incorporate an Autistic-informed approach to assessment, where we place you at the heart of the process. 

Whilst we continue to use the term ‘assessment’, we prefer the neuro-affirmative terms ‘Autistic Discovery’ as this more faithfully describes what we do:

We support you to explore if your way of being is aligned with the Autistic way of being.

The Autistic Discovery Process (assessment) has three parts:

  1. An online intake form for you to complete that asks questions that are consistent with the DSM V criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) for autism, as well as some screening measures. You can complete it in your own time. We can also send supplementary intake forms that family or friends can fill in. 

  2. Three collaborative and relaxed sessions where you meet a clinical psychologist where you go through the information you have already provided in your online forms. Your psychologist may ask to to expand on the information. You work collaboratively with your psychologist in an open and transparent process.

  3. If you learn that you are Autistic you will be provided with neuro-diversity affirmative supporting documentation to affirming that you are Autistic which is accepted by the HSE and other statutory agencies. 

All sessions  are offered online or in person in our Sligo Clinic.

Cost: € 1,200

Step by Step Guide to the Autistic Discovery Process (assessment)

Whilst there are 3 main stages to the process, it can be helpful for you to know about all the steps from start to finish:

Step 1:

Book online – go to Book an Assessment and fill in the contact form. You will be asked to sign a GDPR form so that we can legally hold your information.

Step 2:

We will contact you via email and you will be invited to fill out online consent and screening forms and an ‘intake form’ with questions that are drawn from the DSM V criteria, which are the clinical diagnostic criteria we follow.  There are also supplementary forms for your family and friends to fill out – these are entirely optional.  Your name goes on a waiting list.

Step 3:

When your name is near the top of the waiting list, we will email you with dates for the assessment that suit you and you will be asked to pay a €400 deposit to secure the assessment dates.

Step 4: The Autistic Discovery Process (the assessment)

There are 3 appointments in all: 

Session 1: You meet with a clinical psychologist either in person or online and go through the information you have provided in your online intake form and explore how this relates to the DSM V criteria for autism.
60 – 75 mins approx.

Session 2: You meet with your psychologist again to continue your exploration of the information that you have provided and provide in session relates to the DSM V criteria. On occasion, it can be helpful to bring along a family member to this session, but this is optional. Typically, towards the end of this session or the start of the next session you and your psychologist formally arrive at Autistic Confirmation/diagnosis (if this is indicated).  60 – 75 mins approx.

Session 3: Your psychologist checks in with you and together you review how the process has gone so far and talk about how you are feeling regarding Autistic Confirmation if this is the case for you. We explore supports and resources available for your whether you are Autistic or not, and we go through the supporting documentation that we provide to affirm your Autistic Confirmation. 60 – 75 mins approx

Supporting Documentation: Soon after your third session, we will provide you with neurodiversity affirmative documentation affirming you are Autistic.

An Equitable Requirements (‘reasonable accommodations’) letter will also be provided as required. This document supports your Autistic identity and informs your work or educational institution of their responsibility to provide an equitable environment to support you perform at your best. 

Our documentation is fully recognised by the HSE and other statutory support services/agencies.

There is an additional charge of €150 for a letter of support for a Disability Allowance application.

Megan O'Malley, The Butterfly Practice

Post Confirmation Autistic Coaching and Support with Christine Doyle, a late discovered and neuro-affirming Autistic Psychotherapist and Coach 

We are very excited to partner with Christine Doyle, who is a late discovered AuDHDer, psychotherapist and coach who is passionate about providing support to those who are recently confirmed, or self-identify, as Autistic. Julie and Christine met at the Autistic led Minding Autistic Minds AUsome Training conference in April 2024 and forged a connection through their passion for neuro-affirming and neuro-informed support for the neurodivergent community.

Christine is very keen to offer accessible post-confirmation support to those who would like to continue their path of discovery. Currently she has two options for The Butterfly Practice clients:

Option One - 1:1 Support 

‘Unlearning Autism’ Autistic Post-Confirmation Programme

This programme is called ‘Unlearning Autism’ because one of the biggest parts in the post-discovery process involves an unlearning of what society has unconsciously and consciously absorbed around what autism looks like, to open up to and explore instead what being Autistic looks like and means for you.

4 one-to-one sessions over 8-12 weeks (at a pace that suits you)

  • Self-Discovery: Gain a deeper understanding of your Autistic ways of being and how they shape your identity, relationships, and life choices.

  • Empowerment & Confidence: Learn to embrace your neuro-divergent strengths while overcoming self-doubt and societal conditioning.

  • Life Strategies: Develop practical skills for managing sensory sensitivities, executive functioning challenges, and communication preferences.

  • Unlearning Limiting Beliefs: Let go of internalized ableism and harmful narratives, replacing them with self-acceptance and positive perspectives.

  • Thriving Beyond Identification: Use your new knowledge to advocate for and create a life that respects your pace, your brain, your nervous system and your true Autistic self.

This is an energising, fully supported and life changing experience.

Total cost of 4 Session Programme, backed by neuro-affirming research following each session: €400- this is a discounted rate for clients of The Butterfly Practice.

Follow up Accountability and Check-in Sessions available on request.

To learn more about Christine or to book this programme, go to: https://www.christinedoyle.ie/

Occupational Therapy Support with Megan O’Malley at The Butterfly Practice

We are delighted to welcome Megan onto our team who offers Post-confirmation support for both Autistic and ADHD young people (12+) and adults. She explores and provides support for emotional and sensory regulation, anxiety, worry and stress, as well as low mood and self-esteem. Follow this link to learn more about what Megan offers and to book a session.

Christine Doyle

Option Two - Group Support

Group for Autistic Women and those who identify as female

Group Support Programmed - ‘Wild Women’

Wild Women is a series of 4 Neuro-Affirming talks and chats over 2 months covering the areas of Neurodiversity, Masking & Burnout, Relationships, and Autistic Thriving.

Led by Christine, each talk will have an anchor topic, backed by current neuro-affirming research, thus providing a space to explore these topics in terms of your own experience.

We truly do learn best from each other, and learning from and prizing the Autistic mind and experience is central to the ethos of Wild Women.

  • This is for a group of 8-10 people and start dates are dependent on numbers.

  • Each session lasts 1.5 hours and there are 4 sessions in total

  • Time: This will be agreed with the group

  • Location: Zoom

  • Cost: €80 per person for the 4 talks

To learn more about Christine, and to book either of these options, go to: https://www.christinedoyle.ie/

Post-Confirmation Autistic Support

Here at The Butterfly Practice we love supporting you in discovering more about your neuro-type, it really is our joy. Still, we recognise that for you, this process of discovery continues for a long time, possibly your whole life. We really want you (or your teenager) to feel supported following the end of your time with us, and that’s why we can suggest several different pathways of ‘Post-Confirmation’ support: 

Autism Assessment Payment

We recognise that it is a big financial undertaking to pay for a private autism assessment. The cost is based on the amount of clinical time it takes to carry out a thorough assessment that captures the richness of your experiences, as well as the provision of neuro-affirmative supporting documentation. 

We spread the payment for the assessment over 3 time points that are paid via our secure online system:

  • €400 deposit to secure the assessment

  • €400 due on the day of your first session

  • €400 due on the day of your third and final session

Please let us know if you would like the cost spread out over more instalments and we will be happy to work with you on an arrangement.

Not sure whether a full  Autistic Discovery (assessment) is right for you?

No problem! 

We offer a 90 minute Explore Together Adult Autism Consultation Session where you can explore your way of being in more detail with a clinical psychologist and discuss whether a full discovery process (assessment) would be helpful. Your psychologist can make other recommendations as to the next steps to take if you agree that a full discovery process may not be the next step. 

Please note that this session does not constitute a full Autistic Discovery (assessment).

Fee: €220

If you decide to go ahead with the full Autistic Discovery (assessment), this amount is taken off the Adult Autistic Discovery Fee. 

Learn more about Consultations here.

Important Notes:

  • Due to high demand for our services, a cancellation fee for individual sessions will be applied if less than 48 hours notice is given. If you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment or fail to attend without notifying the psychologist, a fee of €100 will be charged.

  • Preparing additional documentation, outside our standard suite, will attract an additional fee (fee details available as and when such documents are requested)

  • If you are applying for Disability Allowance and require a supporting letter, there is an additional fee of €150. Preparing a rich and detailed letter requires additional time and administration to gather and present relevant information in support of your application.