Explore Together Consultations
Offering you the time and space to explore whether a full Autistic or ADHD discovery/assessment is the right path for your child.
We get that it can be difficult to know if a full assessment for your child will be helpful. There is a lot of information ‘out there’, and it can be confusing and over-whelming.
We want you to feel as clear as possible when embarking on this process with your child, and we really don’t want you to pay for a full assessment when it might not be the best path to take!
For Parents/Guardians:
We offer a 90 minute Explore Together Parent Consultation Session where you and a Chartered Clinical Psychologist will explore your child’s way of being in more detail and discuss whether a full Autistic or ADHD discovery/assessment would be helpful. Your psychologist may make other recommendations as to the next steps to take if it is agreed that an Autistic/ ADHD discovery is not indicated.
Please note that this session does not constitute a full discovery/assessment session.
Fee: €220.
If you decide to go ahead with the full assessment, this amount is taken off the full Discovery/Assessment fee
The Explore Together Parent Consultations:
Step by Step
Step 1
Book online – go to Book a Consultation and fill in the contact form. You will be asked to sign a GDPR form so that we can legally hold your family’s information.
Step 2
We will contact you via email and you will be invited to fill out consent forms and a form about your child’s strengths, needs and development. Your name will go on a short waiting list.
Step 3
When your name is near the top of the waiting list, we will email you with dates for the 90 minute consultation that suit you and you will be asked to pay a €220 fee to secure the date
Step 4
We meet online or in person for the 90 minute consultation. If we feel a fuller Autistic or ADHD discvery would be helpful, we will discuss this option with you, or if we feel that another pathway may be helpful at this time, we will make these recommendations too.
Step 5
If you would like to go ahead with a discovery/ assessment, we will put your name on the waiting list and we will contact you when you are near the top of the list to arrange suitable dates with you.